Thursday, November 26, 2009


To me, an evp or

Electronic Voice Phenomena,
are anomalous, intelligible speech recorded in or produced by electronic devices, and for which no currently understood physical explanations can account.

However, after watching and basically laughing at many of the current Ghost Chaser TV shows, it seems to me that these people catch almost any type of sound on a recorder and attempt to convince people that it was some phrase said by a spirit.

Personally, I an EVP to me is one that you don't have to suggest or tell someone else what was said. Everyone who listens to it hears the same thing WITHOUT being coached or words appearing on the screen telling you what it is.

These jokers I have watched on the Discovery Channel, Travel Channel and even Sci Fi Channel have a knack for catching some sound, which might even be one of there own stomachs growling and then attempt to make some kind of spooky paranormal phrase out of it.

Now I am not saying that these people are faking it. But logic would tell us that those TV Channels are not paying for these "teams" to go out on a ghost hunt and come back with nothing. Who would want to watch that?

Ratings for these shows keep going up and they are in competition with each other. Remember the old Most Haunted TV show that used to be on the travel channel, which might still be on in the UK? That show cracked me up by Derek the so called medium calling names out that other team members and producers coached him on. Then running through dark buildings with a infra-red camera pointed at their faces while they screamed. Come on, really? That was for ratings!

As the demand increases for more activity being caught on ghost hunts by these networks, we will be hearing more of these non sense garbage EVPS, by these "teams" claiming it is a spirit.

I do believe in EVP'S and frankly have heard some very clear chilling voices on recordings and even have heard some from these "teams" on TV. But to just keep offering up junk EVP'S in order to satisfy these networks, makes the whole paranormal field look bad, and gives all paranormal "teams" a bad image.

So the next time you watch one of these shows and they try to convince you that the scrambled junk they just played was a spirit telling them to leave, just have a good laugh and know they are just trying to make their producers happy. After all anyone can record a dog growling and claim it was a voice saying "get out".

What you believe is true, and if they can get you to believe it , then they win!